awareness + action = change

awareness + action = change

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Remember the Goddess? SHE'S BEEN HERE AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE! (I hope she's not m.a.d at you)

Remember the Goddess? We found Her 
...or the Yin and Yang of Zebra

Many of us met during the 1990s, remember? Back in the Starlight Network days when we got together the first Thursday of the month in Flushing, NYC and had a published  newsletter. That newsletter, a collaborative effort to educate the public about just a different slant on life and the meetings opened many doors for me and several attendees. It lead to my obtaining a magazine column that lasted 12 years, I was a guest on many TV shows, did many radio interviews, got involved in a CUNY college and so much more.

We gathered to explore alternatives in thought, healing, consciousness expansion, personal empowerment and so much more. We shared insight, awareness…of course, no human interaction would be complete without the competition, would it? I guess that’s part of the human experience as well as the spiritual one as we will soon observe.

Competition, however, is highly over-rated and yet sports is a religion of sorts and it occupies a lot of time to be a fan. But, competition can be divisive and destructive. It detracts from accomplishing goals. Cooperation and collaboration is more productive, I think. That may well be because I am a net worker, a people collector, if you will. I love it. It adds to my bullpen of like minds and kindred spirits. When my friends have issues, I usually have the right person to help or access to imperative knowledge and I believe in sharing.  

It was with that purpose in mind I published the Starlight Network News. By sharing that, I landed up as a NYC magazine columnist writing the SpiritWise column for HealthWise Magazine for 12 years (hey, a Jupiter cycle and it was ever so good; I loved it!), I got press credentials, was called a journalist, doors opened and eventually a very famous forensic and geriatric psychiatrist used my book to launch his pioneering work on elder abuse and exploitation; it was magical.

This physician, as an Orthodox Rabbi, is no stranger obviously to cooperation and collaboration, and recognized a meaningful coincidence or synchronicity between us. Both of us were working on the same topic, elder abuse, with the same title word in both, at the same time and the word is not at all synonymous with that field or even comes close. He found me the day after I did a live international radio show with Jacqueline Marcel, author of Elder Rage. I knew who he was and his name, work and his writing me nearly floored me. I never take for granted the benevolence of the Universe and it always surprises and delights me.

As a man I call “the Bringer of Light” says, I have incredible affinity to manifest what I need for myself, people, pets, etc. And like many of you, I have had some horrendous things happen to me in my life, but, for whatever reason, when I need help, when I need solutions, solutions and help come and in ways no one would imagine. And to think, all of this got started because we were brought together seeking the Goddess energy.

What about the Goddess, where is She? Who is She? Come on, Hilda, it’s you and then you deserted us, right? ;-)

Then I met RAM and she is, truly, a Goddess but, not THE GODDESS. Alas, RAM and me, we are almost 3000 miles apart and that’s quite a distance for a human Goddess. She and I immediately recognized each other on when we were there with other astrologers from around the world sharing information and insights and looking for Osama bin Laden using his birth data.

There was RAM in Houston, Henry in England, Nenad in Yugoslavia, Shoshana in Israel and me in NY…and we emailed, snail mailed and shared 224 Elvis songs and Solar Fire astrological software around the world as we searched for Bin Laden…all from meeting randomly (?) on a website sharing information and a purpose centered cooperation.

However, open a room, a building, a country or the entire world and have lots of astrologers and you will have actual fist fights according to the late Joe Goodavage, author of his million selling “Write Your Own Horoscope” about what house system to use, etc…intellectually driven fist fights as well however brawling is not good spiritual mojo. 

There was a lot of controversy, lots of laughing, arguing, posturing, etc. And where astrologers gather you will have well known local astrologers carrying Robert Hand’s bible on transits (Planets in Transit) among other books following to help Mr. Hand and him talking to his helper like he was a child saying, “To the back of the line” after our nice man helped out of the goodness of his heart and then requested a measly autograph.

Goodavage is the only person in the whole solar system allowed to call Mr. Hand “Bob” and “Bob” took the phone when Joe called and said, “Goodavage here” in his voice over voice rather than “hello.”

I was there, I actually heard this and saw it, the ocean parted, I swear! A mystical moment, for sure, or was it the hashish in the brownies (who remembers the episode of Barney Miller about that?)

So Gods and Goddesses have come and gone but where is T.H.E. Goddess we were / are waiting for?

She’s here and She’s been here all along but She is so obvious She’s right under y/our nose and we don’t know it. I mean, I do, do you? I would have told you before now if it wasn’t for that pesky mess in South Carolina that great astrologer in Sea Cliff, NY predicted.

Rest assured, the Universe serves no wine (or is that whine) before its time and, of late,
I have been coaxed into staying home by the Universe who would not allow my expert auto mechanic son to diagnosis my car issues so I could live my life.

During my foot being nailed to the floor crucifixion style, I have had several spiritual encounters in this office of mine telling me to write this article that’s been on my mind for years now.

I get it, I was supposed to stay home until someone or something triggered me to tell you that I know where the Goddess is. I was supposed to share this with you long ago but life got in the way till today because my car was ready, or so we thought but……….no! But this article was not written yet so back to the drawing board.

Having been visited 2 nights in a row by my favorite spirit who is letting me know that I had something to do, my car was idling rough and stalling. But, until I tell you,
I am not going to be able to get out of here and live my life. My boss wants to see my face. I want to see his. Call us old fashioned, we want to relate and work.

Seriously, let’s review what we spoke about so many moons ago. Let’s go back the Starlight Network to the basics of energy, and, folks, it’s all energy, isn’t it? Let’s start with the Yin and Yang of it, shall we? But, wait.

It’s a different time now and we must bow to the powers that be now and that means bow to Master of the Universe, Google.

Google states: “Contemporary definitions for yin-yang Expand. noun. in Chinese philosophy, the two cosmic forces of creative energy, yin being feminine/negative and yang being masculine/positive, from which everything originates and depends on the interaction of the opposite and complementary principles.”

That will do but let’s refine it and make it real world…YANG is indeed male energy. It’s the white upper part of the yin/yang symbol and the proper way to display it “day over night” (Yang/white on the top and, Yin, the black section, on the bottom). Many folks think Yang, because it is masculine or male, means men. It does not. We are speaking about energy principals here and energy alone. This is not a gender issue.

Male energy can be aggressive, competitive, war-like, ego-centric, it’s combative, it ACTS… it doesn’t sit back, it DOES. This type of energy is obvious when we briefly examine the male (energy, not gender) astrological signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

If you are still thinking sun sign astrology, shame on you, you need to be in recovery at AA-Astrology Anonymous. Hey, recovery is in!  You realize no one calls these sun signs wall flowers, right? The sun sign archetype acts with other details in the charts not withstanding in this over generalized statement. It’s a start.

About astrology? According to a famous astrologer, Stephen Arroyo I believe, he calls it, “a language of energy and pattern.” It demonstrates energy very effectively by archetypes and the above signs are the elements Fire and Air…more luscious energy.

Female energy, or YIN, is cooperative energy, its female energy, again we are not talking gender issues, it’s far grander than that… its energy. Yin is patient, it’s cooperative, it goes with the flow, it shares, it’s critical in healing one self by going within, it creates. Astrologically, the Yin energy signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces…the more passive energy archetypes, in other words, Yin elements astrologically are Water and Earth…soft, gentle energies that caress our planet.

So why have we spoken about all of this? Think about it, sit back and think about the difference in energy. Was the search for the Goddess a scam? What happened to the seekers….I know where they are, though, ssssh.

We can all see Yang present in the world: terrorists, bombings, the political circus, Donald Trump, the Cassius Clay of today, wars…we have Yang energy run amok.

Where is Yin, our missing Goddess, we all met because of Her, didn’t we? We wanted to share and meet in the 1990s. She was never far away and here She is today, ladies and gentleman, and we are all in touch with Her everyday. Right now, if you see this, you see the Goddess. Trust me, She’s more powerful than a locomotive…She’s able to create magic, because of Her you can partake in this outreach.

Let’s give the Goddess a hand, make that two hands, don’t be a mouse at this stage of the game! Proclaim your love for the Goddess. She is with us all the time. Where would we be without Her?

Let me introduce you to the HRH, Mistress of Yin…………………. the Internet.

Think about it. Introspection (that's where the Goddess lives, within) is such a self awareness tool.
Always be at-one-ment for the answers.

Thank you and please be pro-yin and share this article; we can call it the first in a series of SHARE WARE ;o)

(c) Copyright, September, 2015, Irene A. Masiello, all rights reserved do not reprint without the expressed written consent of the author.

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